A letter to a lazy Christian

Dike Thelma
2 min readJul 11, 2020
Photo from Unsplash by @benwhitephotography

Dear Spirit-filled, tongue-speaking, lazy Christian,

I want to first commend you for consistently praying to God. You’ve attained this habit, this means you can attain any other habit if you follow the same method — practicing every day.

I know that God has given you a Word, but nothing has changed, do you think God will use you in your lazy state?

You see the unbeliever prospering(I’m not talking about the ones that got their hands dirty), the unbeliever who’s putting in the work, and you begin to ask God questions forgetting that God makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and also sends His rain on the just and on the unjust(Matthew 5:45). Solomon wrote a lot about the consequences of being a lazy person(Proverbs 6:6–11)

You can spend 6 hours praying but you’re lazy towards the goals God has placed in your heart. You can spend money gifting the poor, but you can’t pay money to learn that skill or acquire that course. Don’t get me wrong, gifting the poor is a great thing to do, but gifting them to get blessed? That’s questionable. So instead of doing that, learn how to plan your money better, so you don’t give excuses.

Let’s talk about your God-given assignment for a moment. The revelation has come with the steps to follow, you’re now scared. God will not use you in your fear. Abraham obeyed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. After you’ve come to the knowledge of your assignment, the next thing to do is to prepare and strategize, talk to people you trust about it, get them to hold you accountable, and lastly, become intentional. Breakdown the goals into simple steps, then one after the other, you crush them.

There’s a history of a certain sickness in your family. You’ve rebuked it in Jesus’ name, but you keep taking sugar excessively and have refused to wake up early to exercise. Now, you have the disease, you’re doubting the power of God, forgetting that Faith without works is dead, even though you’ve been saved by Faith.

You battle with sexual immorality. Yet you’ve decided to be watching movies where there’s a lot of sex scenes, or be alone with the opposite sex in an isolated place. How do you intend to do it?, It’s true that God’s the one who keeps us from falling, but you need to man your body. Become aware of sin prone areas and avoid them.

I’ve been longing to write to you, and I’m glad I finally did.
Please, do not stop praying and studying the Word. I believe God’s Spirit in us will strengthen us in every area where we’ve fallen.

Yours in Christ,




Dike Thelma

Growth and love | Product Design | Nature photography