What does life teach you?

Dike Thelma
2 min readMay 8, 2021

You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.
- Maya Angelou

From unsplash by Sage Friedman

Sometime in 2019, a very good friend of mine started journaling about her life experiences. I was impressed by how much attention she paid to the minute things in life. This motivated me to start paying attention to everything that happened to and around me every day and note my learnings as well.

I’ll be sharing something I learned on my 3rd day of doing this. This lesson made the most impact in my life in 2019. And here it is:

“Man’s approval doesn’t define who you are”

Anyone can say anything about you but you have to see your mind like a sieve, before anything gets in, it needs to be vetted against some predefined principles that you’ve set for yourself. Ensuring that nothing dirty gets into your space. Words are so powerful, they can ruin your entire life. So you have to be careful what you let into your spirit and your mind.

I had my fair share earlier in 2019 when I let the words someone said to me define who I was and the work that I do. This caused me to doubt myself and my journey and almost got into depression.

I’ve chosen to focus on the positive impact of that period on my life, for one it drew me closer to God and helped me review my life journey.



Dike Thelma

Growth and love | Product Design | Nature photography